Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Long & Winding DNA Road

Take the Ginkgo Biloba tree and the herb, Horsetail.  These are two of the oldest plants on our planet, said by science to have been around as far back as the dinosaur days.

Aspartame and genetically modified soy have been around for about 0.00000001% of that time.

Which of those two sets of edibles would you say your human DNA is better suited to handle?

There's this long, slow organic winding evolutionary trail that begins with the Big Bang and, over eons, goes through very long, slow metamorphoses to which life forms adapt, change and evolve. Then we get to our little eye-blink of post-modern, technological time where we VERY SUDDENLY introduce into organisms which are the crowning glory of 14 billion years of evolution, a relentless cascade of synthesized chemicals --preservatives, additives, colorants, pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, artificial flavors, flavor enhancers, excito-toxins, neuro-toxins, coagulants, surfactants, stabilizers on and on and on and we haven't even mentioned pharmaceutical drugs, illicit drugs and cosmetics, the latter of which we 'ingest' through our skin.

If you think the above list is alarmist or an exaggeration, go to:
and check out the A-Z listing of the additives that  have entered our food chain. Many are natural, or derived from natural sources, but hundreds are synthesized compounds and/or chemicals which have been demonstrated to be harmful.  Two obvious examples are Mercury and Fluoride.  Evidence of their harmfulness is so ubiquitous that a simple Google search on either one will make you wish you had never listened to your dentist.

 Big Bang Cuisine, is inspired largely by the Paleo Diet approach to eating and by certain tenets of the organic raw foodist movement. The content is for information purposes only and is in no way meant to diagnose or treat illnesses, nor to substitute for the services of a bonafide health care professional.  A whole other blog could be launched just to define exactly what 'bonafide' means in this context.

AIDS in the Jungle

French medical researchers observing chimpanzees, noted that chimps in the wild eating their natural raw diet would live out normal life spans even while carrying the HIV virus, while chimps in zoos fed cooked and processed  foods, developed the debilitating symptoms of AIDS and died before their time.

"Caged chimpanzees fed raw foods and infected by the AIDS virus, do not show the slightest symtpom.... There is also an illness similar to human AIDS that occurs in domestic cats fed industrial products, "feline AIDS". Cases of this illness have never been observed in wild felines."
                         -- Bruno Comby, "Maximize Immunity", p. 123

Does this mean I'm advocating a totally raw diet for the rest of your life?  Not at all. The great California naturopath, Bernard Jensen, used to talk about two ways of eating: the cleansing diet and the building diet.   During cleansing and healing times, resorting to a totally raw diet can do wonders to rejuvenate body and mind.  But you can only cleanse for so long. Alas, some people treat their body like a sewer system that they have to be constantly scouring and cleaning out.  Not a very friendly attitude to take towards one's own body.

After cleansing, says Jensen, go on a building diet. Eat more protein, yes even cooked protein, always keeping fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet as well.  Balance and harmony.